TeamGym is an exciting, dynamic, and interactive sport. TeamGym competitions show gymnastic skills in three different disciplines, Floor, Trampette and Tumbling. All three require effective team work, excellent technique in the elements and spectacular tumbling elements.
TeamGym competitions may consist of three categories: women, men, and mixed teams. In each of the three categories a team may consist of between 6 to 12 gymnasts.

Floor Programme
Although there are certain requirements the floor is predominantly an optional gymnastic programme, which is performed on a 18m x 14m mat choreographed to music. It encourages good and smooth teamwork and expressive presentation.
The Floor Programme is a unity that consists mainly of gymnastic elements. The choice of elements should suit the level and maturity of the team as well as the music itself. A well balanced technical performance, properly linked movements, certainty of execution and synchronisation as well as expressive presentation should attract a good score.
The Floor routine allows the choreographer a little poetic license to explore his or her hidden talents. This section of the competition is very popular as medal positions are often determined by the exactness of this discipline. It should be emphasised that all team members participate in the Floor Programme.
Teams perform three tumbling series on a long tumble track with good “streaming” i.e. consecutively and close to each other. Each team performs three different rounds. Each series must consist of at least three different acrobatic elements, without intermediate steps.
Only six members from the team can be chosen for each of the ’rounds’. This section can be very exciting when the gymnasts perform their tumbles close together. Each team must perform three rounds. Unlike the floor program, only six gymnasts have to participate. In the mixed competition three male and three female gymnasts must take part. Elements have values according to their difficulty – which is why there are so many straight somersaults with multiple twists.
In the first round, gymnasts perform the same series of movements. In the second and third rounds, new (often more difficult) elements must be introduced (pikes, straights, and twists). At least one round must have forward rotations and one round backward rotations. The start value for tumbling is open and depends on the skills being performed.
Teams perform somersaults on Trampette with good streaming. At least one run in the Trampette program is done using a vault. Each team performs three different rounds. Only six members from the team can be chosen for each of the ’rounds’. Again, this section can be very exciting.
Each team must perform three rounds. Unlike the floor program, only six gymnasts have to participate. In the mixed competition three male and three female gymnasts must take part. Elements have values according to their difficulty – which is why there are so many straight somersaults with multiple twists!