We encourage you to register with a Scottish Gymnastics member club. Our member clubs must meet minimum operating standards and maintain strict child wellbeing and protection standards and systems.
You are a member of an organisation which focuses on an uplifting gymnastics experience for all. We work to ensure our sport is enjoyable, safe and open to everyone. We live by the gymnastics values of inclusive, supportive and aspirational.
Every club has coaches who are qualified to national standards, and a trained safeguarding officer you can contact if you have any concerns.
All members of a Scottish Gymnastics member club need to become members of Scottish Gymnastics. This is so you benefit from insurance cover – although membership is not just about insurance! There are many other benefits and reasons to be part of the Scottish Gymnastics family.
This section has information about membership benefits, categories, and what your membership helps fund. We also have a page for parents and carers to learn more. Or you can click the button to start your journey , renew your membership or manage your account.