Membership Modernisation
We are introducing a new membership system in 2024 to make things easier for members.
You can read more information below the image about how this may affect you. We have created guides to help members and parents/carers use the new membership system. You can find these in our membership joining page or by clicking the button below.
Staying the same
- The membership year runs from 1 September to 31 August
- Signing up to and abiding by policies and membership rules
- Gold members renew quarterly
- Sport support services registration fee
- JustGo replaces GymNET, the current membership, event entry, and course entry systems
- Membership categories
- Clubs can renew/add members to system and/or ask members to join/renew directly with Scottish Gymnastics
- Optional auto membership renewal
- Individual membership fees increase, as voted by clubs at annual general meeting
- Gymnastics activity instructor requires gold membership
- For 2024-25 only, new members joining in July and August 2024 do not need to renew until September 2025

Information is being moved from the current system to JustGo between Saturday 22 June and Monday 1 July. If these dates change, we will let you know as soon as possible.
During the transition: you can still access:
Scottish Gymnastics and British Gymnastics websites
Rise Hub – please note, as new members can’t officially join during the transition, they won’t appear on Rise Hub.
BG Shop
During the transition: you cannot access
GymNET. You can amend your personal details once the new system is live. When we launch the new system in July, you need reset your password and login to your My BG account. Keep an eye out for any ‘Membership Modernisation’ emails where we will provide all the information you need to support you through this process.
Booking: you cannot book onto a course or event during this time. However, we have made sure there are no event entries open during this period to help prevent disruption. Bookings will reopen once we launch the new system in July. We will look at alternative booking system for coaching courses which close during the transition period, if places are still available. This includes summer camp courses at the Dick McTaggart Centre in Dundee.
Membership: new members cannot officially join during the transition period, but they will still be insured, provided they intend to become members and complete the process as soon as the new system is up and running. Current gold members due to renew in July are still insured for June and have a 30-day grace period in July. We encourage these members to renew at their earliest opportunity.
Staying the same
Membership year runs from 1 September to 31 August
Quarterly gold membership renewals
Option for your club to renew your membership
Optional auto membership renewal
How it works
Your club can choose to add members to the system and pay for their membership. Or members renew or join Scottish Gymnastics directly and pay themselves. Members should check with their club before renewing their membership directly.
If your club renews and pays for your membership, Scottish Gymnastics will email you to help you log into the system. You then need to complete your EDI data and marketing preferences. Members are now insured.
Members have the choice to opt in to auto-renew their membership.
Gold membership renewals remain quarterly as they are now.
For 2024-25 only, new members joining in July and August 2024 do not need to renew until September 2025. This is to ease the burden on clubs while we move to the new system.
Staying the same
Bronze, silver, gold
Two-taster session rule
Sports support services registration
Gymnastics activity instructor moves to gold
Parents/carers do not need to register before completing their child’s membership
How it works
The membership rules set out the category requirements for each role.
The current types are displayed clearly in three broad categories – bronze, silver, and gold.
Members/parents see these category options after they have created their account. The roles are listed below each category heading.
Parents do not need to register before taking out membership for a child. If a parent takes out membership for multiple children, the system shows them all the accounts associated with that email address. When a child turns 16, they should change the email against their account to their own to separate the accounts.
Gymnastics activity instructor moves to gold category to reflect the responsibility of leading sessions.
Gymnasts competing at a certain level need silver membership as they do now. However, British Gymnastics has four membership categories, with competitive gymnasts split over competitive and national. Scottish gymnasts can enter national British events with their Scottish silver membership.
The membership rules include information on which lower-level competitions gymnasts can enter with bronze membership, for example, floor and vault.
Staying the same
Sports support services registration
Bronze gymnast discount June to August
Individual membership fees
Discounts applied at checkout
How it works
Clubs voted to increase individual fees at the annual general meeting for 2024-25 membership year.
Bronze is £24:
recreational gymnast
safeguarding officer
club official – no cost
preschool gymnast – £18
A discount for club official is applied at the check out stage. These members get their membership for free, provided the club has assigned them a club official role.
A discount for preschool gymnast is applied at the check out stage, so the parent/carer is only charged £18. There is no longer a preschool specific membership. We are offering a young gymnast discount instead. This is available to gymnasts who are under the age of five on 1 September of that membership year.
The fee for bronze gymnasts is still discounted to £9 for June 2024. We update the system at this point so parents/clubs adding members automatically see the lower rate at checkout. The member needs to renew their Scottish Gymnastics membership in September. Bronze gymnasts joining in July and August 2024 pay full price for their membership which then runs until September 2025. In 2025, the bronze gymnast discount applies in June, July and August.
Silver is £50:
competitive gymnast
assistant coach
Gold is £85:
national+ judge
activity instructors
complementary members
Prerequisites for certain roles are not checked at the point of membership. For example, PVG and wellbeing and protection award. You still need these credentials to perform your role under our membership rules, but you do not need them to renew your membership. Instead, we send automated reminders to the member and their club(s) to say these credentials are coming up for renewal. Once these credentials are expired, we send additional emails to say you no longer have the correct credentials to perform your role and your coaching qualification is no longer active and you’re in breach of member rules.
Sport support services registration for those who provide additional services to Scottish Gymnastics members, such as choreography and strength and conditioning, still costs £5. It is only relevant to people who do not have another role that requires membership.
British Gymnastics has moved to rolling membership, rather than having renewals in October. Scottish Gymnastics’ membership year is still 1 September to 31 August. We have not moved to rolling membership as we would need to increase fees significantly to provide the current level of service. We will look at membership models for future years as part of our continual evaluation of what we do and how we do it.