Reporting Concerns
We want you to feel confident reporting concerns, knowing you will be listened to, taken seriously, supported, and appropriate action will be taken.

If you have a concern, or see something that concerns you, please speak up.
You can use our online quick referral form below to report concerns. There are more detailed incident specific forms for clubs and for parents and carers further down this page.
You can talk through any concerns you may have by getting in touch with a member of the Scottish Gymnastics wellbeing and safe sport team. You can email or call on 0131 271 9733
If you are a club leader or safeguarding officer looking to make a referral for a specific incident, please refer to the concern flow charts below. These outline the process for responding to concerns.
Please give as much information as you can in your incident report then email the completed report to A member of the team will be in touch.
If you have an immediate concern about the safety of a child, or vulnerable person, you should contact the police on 101 or 999.
Responding to Concerns
You can view the below reporting concerns flow charts, to help you understand the process of reporting safeguarding concerns.