Scottish Team Selected for European TeamGym Championships
A team of Scottish gymnasts has been selected for the 13th European TeamGym Championships in Guimaraes in Portugal from 1 to 4 December.
They will be competing as the Great Britain second team in the junior men’s team category. The opportunity has come through British Gymnastics with the uncertainty around other nations sending teams due to Covid-19. Host nation Portugal has not been able to field a team and the other nations taking part are unable send a second team. Scotland will be the fourth team in the group as GBR2, with GBR1, Sweden and Estonia.
The Scottish Gymnastics performance team worked with TeamGym technical committee on selection. Our congratulations to the gymnasts selected and their personal coaches:
Logan Campbell – Irvine Bay – Amanda Boucher
Arran Martin – Irvine Bay – Amanda Boucher
Harvey Mullan – Largs – Colette Atkins, Stephanie Hanlin, and Scott Telford
Kieran Walker – Largs – Colette Atkins, Stephanie Hanlin, and Scott Telford
Evan Dewar – Forth Valley – Jacqui Inglis
Aidan Hepburn – Saltire – Rachael Walker and Anna Lewis
Hayden Turnbull – Saltire – Rachael Walker and Anna Lewis
Josh Cantell – Saltire – Rachael Walker and Anna Lewis
Rory Marshall – Saltire – Rachael Walker and Anna Lewis
Performance manager Wendy Purdie said: “This is an exciting opportunity, and we are grateful to British Gymnastics for all their assistance in allowing us to send a team to the European TeamGym Championships
The gymnasts and their families are equally excited about representing Scotland in the GBR second team and we thank their families for supporting us in being able to accept this unique opportunity. Without them, we would be unable to send a team.
“The gymnasts have a mix of experience with some previously involved in performance programmes and other were previously too young as they are at an early stage in their journey. They have competed in national championships, but it’s the first time for all of them at this level so this is a fantastic opportunity for their development, and I hope they have the best experience.
“The experience of competing internationally, experiencing the atmosphere and being able to watch senior world-class athletes compete will hopefully inspire them to aim for selection on British programmes. We look forward to seeing them compete and thrive in their environment, and just enjoy the whole experience of a major championship.”