UK Coaching Learning Framework Launched
As part of our work with UK Coaching to bring you a range of coaching continuous professional development opportunities, we're excited to share details of the new UK Coaching Learning Framework, which was launched at the start of this month.
UK Coaching, along with more than 80 coaching experts from around the world, examined the foundations that make up a high-quality coaching environment that is packed with great learning experiences, to determine exactly what people need to be successful in meeting their goals, as well as the skills, qualities and behaviours a coach needs to provide to support them.
Coaching is more than just making participants better performers. It's about supporting them to be better people and better performers.
The insight-based Coach Learning Framework is the result of this research. It is a holistic approach towards coaching that is person-centred, long-term focused, and based on the understanding of what development means both for the coach and their participants. The framework aims to help all coaches at all levels learn how to deliver great coaching experiences for all, regardless of the sport or physical activity they coach in.
Regardless of where coaches are on their coaching journey or the environment in which they coach, they can use this framework to navigate their development.
Watch the video below from UK Coaching for more information about the framework.
Coach Learning Framework: Themes
A coach that doesn't grow is a coach that doesn’t have the tools to support participants to reach their potential. If you're ready to help create great experiences with your great coaching, then you can read more about the nine themes that make up the coach learning framework. You can click the links to be taken to the individual sections of the UK Coaching website and dive into the learning in your own time.
The first step towards becoming a better coach is to gain a better insight into yourself. You can't help others grow unless you strive to make yourself better. Within this section of the framework, you'll find the tools you need to approach self-discovery.
2) Understanding the Individual
As a coach, you're trying to create a safe, fun and enjoyable space for people to learn, express themselves and grow. Understanding how your gymnasts tick means you can help them to achieve thier goals. We offer a dedicated 'coaching the gymnast in front of you' course which goes into more detail abotu this theme.
3) Understanding Your Coaching Practice
The best coaching sessions are engaging, memorable and create great experiences! To create the best moments for your gymnasts you need to think about how you plan your sessions, how you communicate and how you make decisions. In this section, you'll learn how to improve your coaching practice.
4) Understanding Your Environment
The environment you create impacts your team and the individuals that you coach. The best coaching environment not only improves performance but also maximises self-esteem, motivation and confidence. Learn how you can build a great coaching environment.
5) Athletic Development and Physical Preparation
This section of the learning framework helps you to understand athletic development and physical preparation skills. A better knowledge in this area helps your gymnasts build resilience to injury, improves their physical literacy and helps develop a wider range of skills.
6) Lifestyle Health & Wellbeing
As a coach, you're best placed to support people to develop thier health through sport and physical activity. You need to be able to look after yourself, holistically to effectively look after others. This section will give you the skills to begin the process of working on your health and welbeing.
Relationships are vitally important to the success of your coaching. As part of your role, you will work with a wide range of people, with different skills, abilities and experiences. This comes together to shape motivations for taking part. You can better connect with each of your gymnasts and understand thier needs by building on your coaching relationships.
We know that gymnastics is great for developing fundamental movement skills. This section of the framework teaches you how to refine your coaching to prioritise and support skill development – and provide a range of challenges to keep gymnasts engaged!
Incorporating elements of sports psychology into your coaching sessions you can empower individuals to improve their performance & reach their full potential. These skills can extend beyond the walls of the gym – into other sports, and parts of daily life too.