Board Sub-Committees
Scottish Gymnastics is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance in fulfilling its duties and responsibilities effectively.
As part of our governance structure, we have sub-committees with membership from board directors, external representation and Scottish Gymnastics members.
Audit and Risk
The audit and risk committee supports the board and senior leadership team in these areas: finance, audit, commercial, legal and risk ensuring an excellent overall governance framework for the organisation.
Chair – David Johnson
Members – Brian Ewing, Ian Chambers and Doc McKelvey
The governance committee has responsibility for all matters relating to the effective governance of the organisation. It supports the board to review and agree the Articles of Association and all governance related rules, regulations, policies and codes of practice. This is to ensure that they remain relevant and we maintain the highest standard of corporate governance.
Chair – Brian Ewing
Members – Kerri Mchale, Ally Whike and Doc McKelvey
Remuneration and Nomination
The remuneration and nomination committee review and evaluate the work of the board and make recommendations to the board for the appointment of directors. It also oversees executive remuneration, terms and conditions of employment and severance.
Chair – Ian Chambers
Members – David Johnson, Ruth Hudson, Claire Bath and Doc McKelvey
Wellbeing and Protection
The wellbeing and protection committee represents Scottish Gymnastics in relation to all members’ wellbeing and protection. The committee provides advice and guidance on all safeguarding matters ensuring practical, strategic, and operational support to deliver Scottish Gymnastics’ safeguarding strategic objectives.
Chair – Karen Rees
Members – Kerri McHale, Doc McKelvey, Cara Kennedy (Scottish Gymnastics member represent), Chris Smart (external represent) and Iona Mitchell (external represent)
Joint Technical
The joint technical committee ensures the activities of Scottish Gymnastics and all the disciplines are coordinated. It acts as a forum for discussion on all technical committee matters.
Chair – Ally Whike
Members – Our vacant technical director role and Doc McKelvey along with the chairs of each technical committee.
Equality and diversity advisory committee
This committee provides advice and guidance on all equality, diversity and inclusion matters, ensuring a practical, strategic, and operational support to deliver Scottish Gymnastics equality action plan. It also supports our staff equality, diversity and inclusion group and board members in relation to equality and diversity.
Chair – Brian Ewing
Members – We are currently recruiting members for this committee. The committee will include Scottish Gymnastics members and external representation to provide expert input and guidance.